dont write cheques your body cant cash...
wise words. and a lot of truth in that. but more than often we get ourselves into situations where we seem to ignore the realities that our own stubbornness can bring. it is a matter of head versus heart. your mind says stop but your heart wants you to carry on. it leaves you with a troubled mind. it is a place where desire and drive meets reality and logic. a battlefield some of us face on a daily basis. in every aspect of life. we get to that place. whether it is hanging on by the skin of your teeth while climbing a rock face thirty meters high. or closing a business deal that collides with your integrity.
over time and many travels i have often faced this battle between head and heart. when you live a passionate life this scenario gets you in trouble almost every other day. cos in your make-up you want to grab every opportunity that comes your way. but not every open door is necessarily the right open door. this in itself is a very hard lesson to learn. never-the-less it is not a good enough reason to approach life with a more cautious attitude. it is a simple matter of self knowledge and emotional intelligence. getting to know and understand yourself in different situations. anticipating your own response and setting yourself up not to fall. but that - is easier said than done.
in my experience your soul does not forget that easily. we think it does. but it does not. you make promises to yourself. and in that you kick start the conflict. i have realised that there are things that i have said and vowed to myself in the past that is only surfacing now. and i find myself challenged. do i stay true to my heart or do i follow the reason in my head. cos both can be right. both have a strong argument. i guess that is where it starts. that place where reason meets emotion. the place where the negotiations of the soul takes place.
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