it is weird what travelling does to your psychology. places leave traces. people leave footprints. experiences leave scars. all of these are linked to change. change that can be good. but also change that can be negative. but it is one of those things you never know before you embark on a journey. but one thing is certain. travelling brings change. whether you want it to or not. if it does not then there is something seriously wrong with you. perhaps you were not switched on the way you were suppose to be. and that in itself is a shame. that is the beauty of seeing the world outside your normal box. and that is why i changed the title of this blog. because we all have a story to tell. some of us are more forthcoming with what we sense and feel. others take it with them to the grave and in that doing the world a great disservice.
i decided to reflect briefly on my change as a spiritual being over the last months. a good friend of mine always says: with a physical journey comes a spiritual journey. what i appreciate about my transformation in this sense is that i have become a more considerate (not tolerant) person. i will listen more closely. i have become more relaxed about myself as a spiritual being. the responsibility that comes with that. the joys and the struggles. all of it. i have realised that once your platform has been established not even the darkest night can shake it. you will surely get knocked down. but it is about getting up and moving on. facing everyday life with that sense of knowing i love to talk about. another thing that has been highlighted during my travels is my passions...and with that the things i have a serious disliking for. i guess the more you see and experience the more things fall in place. they start to make sense and things that happened in the past fade away and the future becomes the focal point.
i think many might not recognise my transformation. but those that know my heart and understand my motivations will spot my rusty halo.
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