over the last few weeks i have come to the realisation once again that life is made up of seasons. some are good with the sun shining. others are less favourable. and then you get the outright terrible and challenging seasons. you sometimes stand in the middle of a situation and you cannot for the life in you remember how you got there. on other occasions you did not really question how you got there cos it was pretty good. i mean – you only question the bad one right? so once again i find myself in one of those in between seasons. as a matter of fact it feels like i have been there for a long time. perhaps i did not recognise the earlier seasons of this journey. but i have put every experience in the bag. and i am walking on. like i said season come and seasons go. the time is around the corner where this season will change once more and i cannot help to stop and take a look back down the road that i have been on. what i value most are the interactions that i have had with people and rediscovering friendships that add value to my life. while on the other hand unplugging some others that have become dead wood. life is like that. look at a vineyard. every winter it needs serious pruning where sometimes more than half its wood gets cut and thrown either on the ground or in a fire. this is done to preserve the vine so that it can blossom in the spring and give fruit in the summer. and seeing that my purpose is to bear fruit i myself have to go through this pruning session. so what else is lies behind me in the road? months in a city i truly enjoy, yet it has left me with an empty feeling. i guess i had a different expectation. i thought it would work out differently. it is nobody’s fault. it is just the way it played out and i have to deal with it. some adventures lurking down the road. more opportunities. but none bigger than the much anticipated return to the south.
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