he was infatuated with her. from the first day he laid his eyes on her. they had mutual friends and bumped into each other at random occasions. he never made a move but she was always in the front of his mind. at the weirdest of moments the thought of her will arise and he would find himself daydreaming. staring out over the sea from the balcony of his loft apartment above the harbour. he knew she lived somewhere on the other side of the city. in the bowl up against the mountain. but he was never brave enough to reach out and step up. he was too scared to act on his feelings and ended living with his infatuation for what felt to him like years.
she was successful. she was smart. and she was beautiful. and he did not feel an ounce of intimidation. as a matter of fact it made him more relaxed and comfortable. the thought of being with her. and then the moment eventually came. their paths crossed again and they started spending more time together. and she had a look in her eye. he spotted it one night as they were watching the sun go down over the bay from her appartment. she had just made sushi and they were enjoying the last bits of dinner with some wine. the conversations between them were always serious and intellectual and they both liked it that way. no small talk or sinicism. they spoke about books. music. art. food. wine. everything. they shared a common interest in so many things. he felt as if the world will never end when he was with her. and he was sure she felt the same. cos she had that look in her eyes.
saturday mornings they would wake up. lazy around the apartment. have coffee on the balcony. watch the early birds rushing around to get to the beach front. he loved those mornings. from there they would venture down to the market and buy some fresh vegetables and bread for whatever they had planned to cook. they both shared a passion for food and the combination with wine. so at the end of the morning lurking around the market they would pick up a bottle or two. from there they would stroll to their favourite coffee shop it the old slave courters. they would sit and stare at each other with great amusement. and that brought such a sense of belonging in him. then they'd catch a cab back to either his or her apartment.
they spent may weekends and nights together. their relationship kept on growing and with every day it intensified. up until the day she announched to him that she was moving out of the city into the country. it felt as if his world stopped turning. he was devastated. but she told him that it did not mean the end of things.
he remember the day he drove out to her cabin in the countryside. it was one of those log cabins hidden in the woods. with a stream running by the cabin giving it that eternal feel. he was nervous as his jeep turned off the tarmac onto the dirt road. from there it would be a fifteen minute drive up to her cabin. it had been raining the whole week and the roads were a mess. the fact that it was in the thick of the forest did not help. it was hard enough with the rain pouring down. but he was driven by a sense of belonging in his heart. it was strong and it kept him pushing on. the darkness of the forest and the puddles of standing water made the journey fell like an eternity. on the radio one of his favourite songs was playing. a song called rapture. the soothing melodies made his relax a little. his heart was pumping as he spotted the outlines of the cabin between the trees. as and his drove up to the house, she came out standing on the porch with the rain pouring down.
nowadays he thinks back with fond memories of that day. it felt like time stood still in that moment he saw her on that porch. it is a memory imprinted in his mind. even now. even year later. it is still there. he has not been able to erase the memory of her that day. every time the song plays his heart and mind races back to that day he was caught up in the rain.
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