Tuesday, March 25, 2008

holland - part one

if ever i thought that it would be holiday in holland i was making a mistake. i get woken up just after nine o clock to be downstairs for breakfast. five minutes i have to brush the sleep from my tired face and shattered body. still lazy. warm and sleepy i stumble downstairs. but in actual fact it is a good thing. other wise i would never get up in the cold weather. talking about the weather - this morning when i got up the snow was lying white across the garden with the ponies trotting outside in the freezing conditions. not an hour later the sun was shining and i got given the task to go and get milk from the farm down the road. i cycled with JPs father with milk canister in hand. just big enough for four litres of milk. we cycle down the small farm path across mud puddles and melting snow. the freshness of the morning is the antidote that finally awakens me and i see the beauty of the day. clear blue skies with patches of ominous darkness. JPs father is a crazy professor prototype but a very funny and entertaining man. he tells me the history and pedigree of every house we pass. what the farmer does apart from farming etc. i have to say rural east holland is not a bad place – apart from the weather perhaps. we get to the milk man. he has just started to milk his cows. well in actual fact he has a machine that is completely automatic. the cow just walks into the machine. then the suction nipples work with a sensor and there is a fore running cleaning process that looks a bit kinky. never the less a fascinating operation to watch. we got our unprocessed milk and back on the bicycles for the ten minute ride back home.

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