Tuesday, August 7, 2007

a moveable feast

if you are lucky enough to have lived in paris as a young man then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you for paris is a movebale feast. these words has echoed through me ever since the first day i read them. words spoken and written by hem. a master of words. inspirational. it struck a cord in my heart. i thought to myself. i want to be able to say words like that one day. and here i am. living my own moveable feast. can i ask for anything else. to be able to create my own feast. sure. am i doing it. you bet. back to hem. he wrote this book years after living in paris. it is written in memoir style. a must read. i am still trying to find a first edition. perhaps shakespear and co in paris is saving their last copy for me. j'espere. i wonder what papi would have said about me writing about him like this. over time i have formed my own idea what he meant by these words. i will forever continue to form and change ideas concerning this. but at the moment this is me. i think this. where is home. what is home. do you have only one. is it a place. is it people. is it a concept. perhaps all of the above. that is what i am living to find out. sure. family is tres important. so are friends. what about meeting new people. new family. can you limit yourself to your geographic area. not in todays world i guess. i have been away for some weeks now. i have seen a lot. i have lived a lot too. seen things. learnt things. tasted things. experienced things. i realise that there are so many explorations waiting. places. people. countries. cultures. will i ever be able to see it all. will there be time. to see. to write. to reflect. what then. where is home. what hass happened to it. what am i saying. home is where the heart is. home continues to move. whether you like it or not. you have a choice. float or grab hold of life. make it your own. thanks vix. carry the experiences in your heart. both good and bad. life without regret. move with the feast. ce la vie.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I think after all your experiances and adventures you will be able to write that book you have always wanted. Who knows maybe one day there will be a person out there who quotes you, the same way you quote hem.
Since I was little I have always had a desire to write a book and I know there are stories in all my journals that will make one, oneday. Your blog is mearly a high tec journal, and you are one step ahead of me, as people are already reading your stories. Keep on writing!