Saturday, August 11, 2007

iz like thizz

iz like thizz...

that is the spanish acsent for it's like this. this phrase echoes through my mind daily. why. i dont know. it just does. perhaps because the girl that kept on saying it has become a very dear friend of mine. i miss her already. she has gone back to spain. her time in montpellier is finish. but it has taught me something. or should i rather say it reminds me daily of a valuable lesson i have learned. this is what i have learned in the last eight weeks that i have been away from home. people is what makes the world go round. i always enjoyed interaction with different people. but being among different culture. languages. races. what a fabulous world we live in. the Creature really knew what He was doing. and i am eternally grateful to be a part of it. all you sceptics out there. wake up. it is time to embrace life around you. there is so much to live for. yes. there are wars. yes there is crime. yes we are all victims. will it ever stop. no. i dont think so. am i too have been a victim of crime. i too have been violated. robbed. attacked. but there a more out there. stick your head out the window for a change. and live. you only have a couple of years anyway. and then do you know where you are going after that. but lets leave that for now. back to the people. being in europe among foreign student form all over made me realise the beauty of diverity. everyone adds a different spice. a new flavour. i stand amazed at what can be done if all stand toghether. perhaps as students we dont have the cares of the world yet upon our shoulder. prehaps that is exactly what the world needs. i dont know. all i know is that these guys and girls have something to offer. they have something to give. we laugh and cry together about the same things. thats what makes us human i guess. we share our views and have our opinions. about war. abortion. the church. you name it. it has been dicussed. at the end we all smile and go our different ways. another demi-citron. another pastis. and all is forgotten. we move on to the next pub. the next bar. the next club. life moves on and we move with it. no stopping. no arguing. no fighting. no time for that. cause life waits for nobody. we can handle the pace. we set the pace. i have gained a lot of respect for many new countires. cultures. their people. we are all the same really. on the surface we seem different. but if you scrath you will see. its all the same. fears. hurts. emotions. joys. happy endings. go. go. go. are you living with your eyes open. are you allowing life to pass you by. or are you grabbing hold of it with both hands. an oppotunity of a lifetime is lost in a lifetime of opportunity.

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