a friend once said: when a daughter is born a father is born. these words have echoed in my soul for over two years now since the birth of our precious daughter. nothing could prepare me for that moment she was born. i remember the uncertainty and insecurity you live through. not knowing what to expect. will i know what to do. thinking back of that surreal moment when that little life entered this world. it feels like yesterday. how fast the time has passed. two going on twenty five. nobody could have prepared me for the experience it has been. never in my wildest dreams would i have thought it would be like this. your own flesh and blood. your mannerisms. your smirk. your cheekiness. the overwhelming desire to protect. to provide. to love. an unhealthy sense of silliness. living outside your character. doing things that simply can not be explained. all in the name of fatherhood. it scares me some days that one can experience such strong emotions. yet this relationship between father and daughter can not be explained. it can not be quantified. an invisible bond that will last forever. may i never fail in my task.
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