how often do you use the words: i am too busy. i don't have the time. how often do we brag about our busyness. do you realize that you are feeding something unhealthy inside you that will consume you in the end. it will cost you severely. unless you step in. make the change. be drastic in your actions. or life will pass you by without you knowing it. it is OK to leave certain things undone. it is OK to leave things incomplete. to sit down. to stop. to have an unrushed conversation with someone special. before we complete the task at hand. it is OK to prioritize your family. your relationships. it is OK. the world wants to tell you otherwise. be task orientated. finish what you have started. don't leave it undone. i say rubbish to such speech. take time out. break away. regroup. spend time with yourself. be introspective. find yourself again. before you burn out. before you loose it all. don't be overwhelmed. take control. don't be bullied by other peoples expectations. find contentment in your circumstances. recognize the season and embrace it. make the necessary adjustments. don't allow fear to be the barrier that blocks you. fear can be a deal-breaker. rather conquer the paralyzing worries that eat away your soul. overcome the joy-wrecking fears. take back your life. be specific in your actions. be bold.
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