challenges. we all know them. we all face them. we all live through them. the way you come out on the other side is determined by your attitude. you can either come out the other side stronger or weaker. we are faced with choices daily that determine the path and how our short life story will play out. the same when it comes to your past and your memories of it. we like to dwell in the past. we listen to songs of broken hearts and broken relationships. of things lived and lost. to stand still and re-live those moments. however - i recently decided to rather focus on my future and painting new memories of my future. the future that i will share with my beautiful wife. the partner i have chosen to share the rest of my life with. modern day life has set us up! i was one of its biggest victims. it wants us to stand still in the past. it tries to cripple us with memories of pain. memories of failure. memories of what could have been but never will be. it slowes us down to live life. it steals from the joys that awaits us around every corner. instead we live life looking over our shoulder. music. movies. all forms of entertainment these days speak to that dark side we carry around inside of us. it speaks and stirs our darkest emotions that wants to run back to that place of empty promises and lost opportunities. BUT NOT ME. i am looking forward. anticipating the fabulous future. spending every moment with the love of my life. sharing crazy situations. deepest secrets. creating memories that will stand for eternity. moments that will last for a lifetime. i am glad i found someone like you. the one next to whom i will wake up next to for as long as i live. the one with the big blues eyes and fair skin. the one that makes me laugh. the one that keeps me sane. the one that i can trust and confide in. i can tell you everything. i want to. i have to. cos we are one. and will always be.
This is wisdom indeed my friend. You cannot drive a racing car by looking through the rearview mirror...-5er-
YOU have a great blog!!! It is so similar to mine I am so happy I stumbled upon it. Please do check out my blog, it's really philosophical like yours :p Thanks!
congratulations. i wish i could learn to focus on the future the same way you do.
nice note..:)
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