we have all been there. emotional masochism. once in your lifetime. it was the bread on your butter. the bitter with your sweet. the pity at your party. i just finished reading a book that made me realize how pathetic we can be. i listened to a sermon about the power of our thoughts and that the battle rages in our minds, thoughts and emotions. a mind siege. all of us have built relationships on memories. perceptions of feelings. we have put ourselves through endless weeks and months of misery. all based on a thought. an emotion. that connection you thought you had – all in the mind. imagination. trying to figure out what it was that you were feeling. trying to come to terms with your emotions. when it was all lies that your mind was selling you. and you fell for it. hook line. and sinker. so i was wondering why we do this. and emotional masochisms was the answer that i came up with. feeling sorry for yourself and dwelling on the pain. feeding off it. it comes from our introspective selfish nature as humans. its all about me. once you turn your focus outward - fears, feelings and emotions of this kind becomes a vapor in the wind. don’t underestimate the power of your mind. or the control of your emotions over your rational. people go crazy because they don’t understand this about themselves. they merely brush it aside and say: its only thoughts. but your thoughts become patterns in your life that in turn becomes actions and then habits. therefore program your mind not to dwell on these thoughts of self-inflicted pain. rather live a life of freedom. free from negative and painful thoughts. longing for a place of false safety that you have created in your mind. walk away. do it today. it is not worth turning back to. if you are honest with yourself right now – you don’t really want that which you crave in your mind. you would rather enjoy the freedom from it.
1 comment:
Well said. I am so glad I came upon this, I was just thinking about this very subject. Negative emotions are a big ole waste of time, and keeps one from living life.
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