as we are getting closer to the end of another harvesting season the word that springs to mind after this crazy time is contentment. it is always a season where normal life seize to happen and you survive the days on adrenaline. days that never have enough time to complete your daily task and the hope that it will not be too late if it is left till tomorrow. yet in all this turmoil to find contentment is such a great sense of achievement...and also purpose. my conviction defines contentment as: desiring what you already have. thus not to strive towards things that are unattainable. things that fill your worries to the level of unrealistic. issues and ideas that distract you from that which is in front of you. how often do you find yourself in that place of wanting to be somewhere else. or doing something else. after every harvest season a time of reflection is needed. this usually takes some time and is an ongoing process. time to revise what has happened and the things that can be improved upon. but as most things in life work-related issues and life-related issues are intertwined and therefore inseparable. and that is how i came to this junction of answering my own question of whether or not i have reached that place of contentment. to be honest i dont think i have nailed it completely but definitely got very close. taking some time out this past weekend at the beach house did help to put some things into perspective. a clearing of the head was needed to re-focus on the task that awaits in the few months to come. allocation and blending is another challenge all together it being more creative and inventive. the truth remains....to be content with your day to day is a massive luxury in life that very few people have. i count my lucky starts and will continue with a thankful attitude.
Great blog. Keep it up, I'd like to see more people actively joining in the discussion. That's what I'm trying to accomplish with my writing.
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Very well said!
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