i have been fortunate enough to experience both sides of the gastronomic and hotel business. recently i have spent time in the very famous and expensive st tropez. it was fabulous. a week later i find myself tucked up in a small alsacian village in the middle of the vosges mountains and forests of north eastern france. what a difference. but both experiences are unique and perfect in its own way. allow me to explain. my four star experience was packed with luxury. smart yet linear living. everything in its place. sterility and cleanliness the order of the day. here everybody falls over their feet to serve you. yes sir. no sir. three bags full sir. the food in these places you have to search for with a magnifying glass. but the quality is the haute couture in gastronomic proportions. the comfort and lavishness of such an experience is to be craved by anyone. it has everything yet lacks something. and this i found in my 2 star paradise in alsace. the difference was personality. the chalet in alsace was run by a family of crazy sisters. the food was home cooked and it felt like having a family dinner. everybody in the restaurant spoke to everybody. glasses of wine was passed around for everyone to taste. stories were shares around and laughter filled the warm room. even though the wall paper had flowers on and was pealing in every corner. these are the sort of things that can easily be replaced by merry times with friends. good wine. and good food. even the corny ceramic statues and stuffed animals can be forgiven and overlooked. fun was had by all. even the germans at the table next to us. so from st tropez... with the yatchs. the sun and atmosphere. the stretches of coastline that surrounds it and surreal blue waters. magical. to the flip side... alsace. its mystical cathedral towers and funny architecture. its hillside vineyards and enchanting small villages. so which of the two i prefer. not one of them but both. each to his own i always say. in this case each situation to its own. some days you want the one. other times you need the other. know yourself and draw the most from every experience you find yourself in. it will make your travelling so much more fun.
Why even the Germans had fun? It's like a discrimination! I'm a German and I know how to live the french "savoir vivre"
Dear RHEINGAU. I apologies for offending any German readers by my words. Never was my intention. It was not the fact that they were German. IN FACT - I have many german friends and also worked in Germany (in Lorch in the Rheingau)for some months. Pleasae accept my most humble apology!
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