life never stops to amaze me. around every corner i walk into a new dream. a new destination. a new direction to follow. maybe. perhaps. i dont know. i feels as if the world is suddenly as bigger place. with more destinations than i ever knew. and they seem so close. yet so far. suddenly i dream different dreams. bigger ones. its a whole new ball game. but have i been invited to play. do i need to qualify first. do i have the needed skills. all these qusetions puzzle me. they clog my brain. they get the juices flowing. but it is a good form of confusion. a welcomed one. rather this than nothing to dream about. nothing to look forward to. nothing to live for. aspire to. it makes me dig deep in yesterday. to find if there are still some cracks in the old armour before i set out again. to wonder off into tomorrow. to see what lies ahead. to travel the road less traveled. i am up for a new challenge. a new adventure. a different one this time. one i have to undertake. my life depends on it. and so does my future. so my bags are packed. with ambition. with courage. with endurance. with perseverance. with passion. and with joy.
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