after some intense days of work i have found some time to update all readers of what has been going down in the land of frog. apart from work the mind is slowly but surely getting in the grove for summer holidays. big plans are being thrown around. and soon enough i will post my movements during the upcoming summer. but all i can say right now is that it will be a smasher. otherwise i have been up to my usual. trying everything and building a memorial everywhere i go. pushing myself beyond limits and keeping the urgency to explore and discover. what a privilegde it is. so my newest finding is part of the gourmandise francaise...aka cuisse de grenouille. better known as frogs legs to the common man on the street. i found myself in a small restaurant with a friend up a side alley in a well-known cartier in montpellier. my inspiration got the better of me and i decided to to the frog to the test. what a pleasant surprise it was. even though i am not telling you the taste or sensation i will tell you this one thing. it was pure bliss. you have to try it. be brave. i dare you. the pics posted are to wet your apetite.