Thursday, August 9, 2012

a true family

you come to a place in your life when you realize that your natural family is fallible. it is not a bad place. neither is it a sad place to come to. but there is a certain freedom that comes with it when you realize that. the social responsibilities becomes less. the loaded expectations go out the window. many people  live with an obligation towards their family. i don't question the role of natural family. but it can become a millstone around your neck. a momentum breaker. it is not like that in all families. but i have seen it. where family becomes an ingrown tone nail. everybody puts their noses in everybody's day-to-day. not cool. but the power of a true family is incomparable. and if you are really lucky your natural family and true family can be the same people. people that you will share your heart with. people that will stick to you no matter what. sometimes your natural family is far away. your siblings live across the world and you need people in your immediate circle of life that will be by your side. i am fortunate to be surrounded by people with golden hearts. plenty of brothers and sisters in Christ that supports me in every aspect of life. because no man is an island. whether you know it or not. you need people around you. people that know more about things than you. so that they can tell you when you are off the straight and narrow. to keep you in line. they also inspire you. they celebrate life with you. the value of true family...priceless. thank you to the people around me. you know who you are.

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