we live in a world that is pre-occupied with human rights and the individual. a world that says the expression of the person, the i, is more important of the greater good. we have become so selfish and intertwined with ourselves that it has become impossible to distinguish right form wrong. a world that says discipline is not important. we ignore. we chose not to see. we read of rapists walking free. human trafficking and the slave trade alive and kicking. politicians turning the blind eye and lining nothing but their own pockets. our future looks grim. our children the ones that will suffer. what are we leaving behind. is it not time we stand up for a better tomorrow. regardless of your colour or creed. regardless your country or religion. the time has come for common sense to prevail. for the sake of our children. before their future disappears. we have become modern day terrorists in our own right. we use manipulation to get what we want. we maneuver. we plot. we plan. we focus only on what we want. our own needs. our own greeds. when last did you consider the need of another before your own comfort. we are causing our own downfall if we don't stand up for what is right. soon it will be to late. we are allowing the fabric of our society to be crippled and polluted by "pseudo" honourable ideas. on the surface it all looks good. yet we swallow the lies. we eat the deception.we are too focused on our own things and believe it is up to the others to fix things. we have pushed the self-destruct button. even on our own lives. emotionally. we have cut others off. burnt bridges. we have dived into the dark abyss of self pity and strife. life has never been this dark. not on the outside. but even worse...not on the inside either. take control. take responsibility. don't outsource your future to someone who is not concerned with your interests. start by making a small difference. cos the small difference will lead to bigger change.
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