are you inspired
to what extend
do you inspire others
where does it come from
i walk the streets
i buy books
i drink coffee
i think out loud
i talk to strangers
i have been doing this for weeks now
a burden in my chest
not knowing where it comes from
neither where it is taking me
i only know that it has a purpose
i just have to live to find the answer
i woke up all emotional
at the same time inspired
i need only to close my eyes
for the imax of my imagination to open up
for the show to begin
i sometimes wonder why
why this vivid imagination
why this gift
or is it really
none the less
i am inspired
the smallest things
the simplest distraction
be it music
or literature
even sitting in the theatre
inspiration bubbles inside me
do i write
or should i sing
perhaps speak
tell others
of this thing within
share the joy
spread the love
fan the flame
when i close my eyes
my senses take over to
see landscapes
smell flowers
taste foreign cuisine
be filled to the brim with sweet wine
and embraced
i listen to their stories
i look at their faces
i analyse their words
i study their facial expression
cos it tells a story
it paints a picture
it writes their song
the world is black and white
other days its all colour
its never the same
every day a surprise
a gift of the unknown
so what to do
i keep on walking
let the sun continue to shinei keep on walking
allow the joys to inspire
and the world to spin
which ever way that might be
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