do you recall the walls i built. i am thinking of knocking them down. i dont think they will even put up a fight. they probably will fall without any resistance. so i am letting you know that i have found a way to let you in. but i never really had a doubt. i was just scared. i was unsure and synical. afraid of losing the edge. afraid of having to give up myself. but now i am standing in your light. and i am ready. ready to let you in. i feels as if i have found an angel. it is as if i have been awakened. it is time to break every rule i have ever set up to protect myself. i know i am risking everything i ever worked for. but it is time. i do not want to leave you out in the dark. everything around me reminds me of you. and i think to myself. why has it taken so long. why have i locked you out all this time. when all i want is you inside these walls of mine. all i want is your walls around me. its your light that draws me. it burns away all the history. all the darkness. all the things that i carry with me. so unnecessary. i can see that now. i never want to return to this darness. i want to stay in your light. in your embrace. i never want to slide back into the great escape i created for myself. cos inside these walls i have always been alone. inside these walls is a valley of deceat. of lies. of loneliness. of confusion. of deception. but it is time to allow you inside these walls. yes. inside these walls.
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