i smile to myself. it is funny. you love something and then one day it is suddenly gone. taken. changed. lost forever. but somehow that does not stop you from loving. perhaps that is a sure indication of the thing you loved was real. when it does not come with conditions or get-out clauses. when there are no sell-by or best-before dates stamped on it. when you just give your love. no holding back. no fear of losing it. and you never stop to give. you know you never will. that is when it is real. that is when nothing and nobody can touch it or spoil it. when nobody can take it anyway from you cos it is apart of you. who you are. who you will forever be. some say that it does not last. they say or accuse you of day dreaming or not being in touch with reality. they tell you to move on. to rebuild and start again. they tell you that you have to decide. to live here or back there. but i think they are wrong. they are all wrong. cos this is reality. not living with the ghosts of yesterday. but also not forgeting yesterday. the yesterdays. cos tomorrow today will be yesterday.
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