the last couple of months and weeks people in south africa has been occupied with the election that happened this week. the fears of a two-thirds majority by the leading ANC was on everybody's lips. while reading and following this event closely i came up with some conclusions of my own.
i think people as a rule are afraid of change. they dont like the unknown that the future brings. that is why people often in life choose a second best life or they run away...because they are afraid of stepping out and to believe in something that is unknown to them. i think it is a general lack of faith. i think people in general are inclined to be negative instead of positive. they always see the challenges infront of them instead of looking far above and beyond to the promised land.
certain people in south africa have this fear that when jacob zuma takes over. but then if that is the case, why does his party enjoy such a land slide victory. surely somebody must like him. so who are these people then that are voicing their fear about the future? i leave that question open to discussion...
...but i am going to step out here and make a bold statement. despite what he has done in the past. the so-called allegations against him. and yes, his shower endeavour. i choose to be poistive about the future of south africa. perhaps this is exactly what we need. a leader for the people. and for some reason. i dont know why. i am excited about this change. i always say...i will rather follow someone that does something. even if he does not always get it right. but it is better than someone that only talks and does nothing.
so i call for action - give zuma a chance.
1 comment:
Nee wat ou neef, hierdie keer gaan ek nie saam jou stem nie.. Ek voel regtig net dat iemand wat so baie bedrog sake teen hom het (ek praat nie van die wapentransaksie saak nie) kan nie as die leier van 'n land opstaan nie. Plus ek het die verkiesing regtig baie noukeurig dop gehou en weet van talle gevalle waar die ANC betrokke is in een of ander vorm van verkiesing bedrog, maar nie verder gevat is nie, o.g.v dat dit te gering is. Die vraag wat ek dan het, hoeveel ander gevalle weet ons nie eers van nie.. Maar om terug te kom by die punt, ek sou verkies het dat iemand anders eerder president is, want my probleem le egter meer by Zuma self as by die ANC. Dis eintlik net jammer dat hulle so ver wen, want hulle lewer nie 'n diens nie. Di outjie op straat is 'n huisie en 'n yskas vol kos beloof 15jaar gelede en vandag sit hy steeds op die straat, en wragtag sal hy steeds vir 'n party stem wat beloftes maak en nie nakom nie. So ek voel, as die ANC aanhangers dink die ANC kan nou ewe skielik dienslewer nadat hulle totaal en al gevou het in dienslewering oor die laaste 15jaar, het hulle 'n goeie geloof in kans.. Maar ons sal sien wat gebeur na 2010. WP gaan 'n goeie maatstaf wees om die ANC se vordering te meet aangesien dit die enigste provinsie is waar oposisie volle beheer het. Maar ja, dis net my persoonlike gevoel, ek wil niemand oorreed nie en inderdaad bid ek dat Zuma wel almal verkeerd bewys en 'n wonderlike president raak vir ons pragtige land.. Cheers
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