Chateau de Cassan from the front

Arial photo

Front fasade

The courtyard
Chateau de Cassan
There are not a lot of things that beat an exclusive selective tasting of wines for a very prestigious institution. I had the unique opportunity to go with two friends of mine, Thomas and Guillaume to such a tasting. We were invited to taste on a panel/to be part of a jury that would selected the top wines to be served at receptions and gala evenings at the prestigious Chateau de Cassan, close to Royan in the Languedoc. The Chateau is a magnificent heritage monument that has been bought by a Parisian who converted the old structure for anything from fancy occasions and receptions, to musical spectacles of any kind, to private dinners and weddings.
On arrival we realised we were surrounded by some significant people like the well respected French professor Claude Flanzy, author of many oenology literature. The twenty or so tasters where separated into different juries and the tasting started just after 10h00. Each jury were given a number of wines to taste and separate the top 5 wines from every category. I was on the white wine panel, together with Thomas, while Guillaume had his glasses filled with red and accompanying Prof Flanzy. We must have been busy at work for a good part for three hours before final decisions were made and reports of every wine had been completed. Job well done and lunch to be served a satisfying reward for a mornings work.
Thomas and I strolled around the remarkable Chateau to witness musical exhibitions taking place in side wings of the Chateau. Outside in the courtyard and in the hallways the normal Sunday morning market was in full swing with anything from local food and drink, to old books and memorabilia. The atmosphere was charged with history and the brisk winter air rich with nostalgia in the shadows of the old Chateau.
Lunch was served. Oysters to get us started with a selection of white wines, followed by a stew-like main accompanied by the choice reds. This was followed by cheese platters and dessert to complete the clean sweep of perfection. All in a days work I say…
As we drove back the rain started to fall and the mellow grey skies brought with it a certain yearning; the country road lined with “plataan” trees and the skeletons of the winter vines on every side made me realise once again why I love so much what I do. It is not just a profession anymore. It has become more than a lifestyle or a certain approach to my thinking. It stirs something deep within: A combination of passion and joy. I sit back in my seat, watching the rain drops run down the outside of the window and smirk: Another good morning in the office!
There are not a lot of things that beat an exclusive selective tasting of wines for a very prestigious institution. I had the unique opportunity to go with two friends of mine, Thomas and Guillaume to such a tasting. We were invited to taste on a panel/to be part of a jury that would selected the top wines to be served at receptions and gala evenings at the prestigious Chateau de Cassan, close to Royan in the Languedoc. The Chateau is a magnificent heritage monument that has been bought by a Parisian who converted the old structure for anything from fancy occasions and receptions, to musical spectacles of any kind, to private dinners and weddings.
On arrival we realised we were surrounded by some significant people like the well respected French professor Claude Flanzy, author of many oenology literature. The twenty or so tasters where separated into different juries and the tasting started just after 10h00. Each jury were given a number of wines to taste and separate the top 5 wines from every category. I was on the white wine panel, together with Thomas, while Guillaume had his glasses filled with red and accompanying Prof Flanzy. We must have been busy at work for a good part for three hours before final decisions were made and reports of every wine had been completed. Job well done and lunch to be served a satisfying reward for a mornings work.
Thomas and I strolled around the remarkable Chateau to witness musical exhibitions taking place in side wings of the Chateau. Outside in the courtyard and in the hallways the normal Sunday morning market was in full swing with anything from local food and drink, to old books and memorabilia. The atmosphere was charged with history and the brisk winter air rich with nostalgia in the shadows of the old Chateau.
Lunch was served. Oysters to get us started with a selection of white wines, followed by a stew-like main accompanied by the choice reds. This was followed by cheese platters and dessert to complete the clean sweep of perfection. All in a days work I say…
As we drove back the rain started to fall and the mellow grey skies brought with it a certain yearning; the country road lined with “plataan” trees and the skeletons of the winter vines on every side made me realise once again why I love so much what I do. It is not just a profession anymore. It has become more than a lifestyle or a certain approach to my thinking. It stirs something deep within: A combination of passion and joy. I sit back in my seat, watching the rain drops run down the outside of the window and smirk: Another good morning in the office!
Great story of a great experience! We have the chosen the best profession in the world! Wine in not just a product you work with it is a product you fall in love with. I can say that I'm in love
Wow, lucky you.
Dear Tree
Dont you wanna give me access to your BLOG....
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