I don't know about you. But the hype and panic that certain scientist and politicians are creating with the carbon dioxide emitted and/or create by man causing global warming is getting the better of me. For long I have been patient. Waiting. But enough is enough. So I am going to write my thoughts/views. Or should I say the questions that float around in my head. This is not a political or scientific post. It is merely someone asking questions and making some statements to stimulate you to think a bit outside your box and stop feeding on the propoganda of the new world order.
The debate has been going on for a long time and dates back even as far back as the 1970's when a Swedish scientist started this bizarre idea that its the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that causes gloabal warming. At that stage the earth was going through a cold period and peole were fearing a mimi ice age.
The earth is heating up allright. We all know that and we all see it too. But it is NOT caused by the carbon dioxide. I dont want to start a "scratch" about that. I have seen the facts and I have made up my mind. If you are still sitting between two fires, go and do some reading and speak to a real scientist.
My mind turns to the activities behind the scenes. The people putting the money into all the research. The politicians involved and pushing hidden agendas. If you look around the world it is usually the people "at the bottom" suffering. The people that are suffering enough already. My mind turns to the United Nations and G8 countries that do hand outs infront of television cameras, but steal with both hands behind the scenes. I think of the people in South America. The people in Africa. I ask why the western world is so afraid to see these continents develop. Why is Africa not allowed to use its coal and oil to produce its own energy? Why does Africa have to buy other more expensive sources of energy? Is Africa not allowed to have its own electricity? The western world knows very well that Africa can not afford these alternative sources of energy.
This to me is just another way of warfare. But the decete and the lies is what kills me. People fighting against a global warming scam thats killing the future of African kids. Musicians and artists speaking out against global warming and carbon dioxide. The fight they claim is to save the planet. But its all about coal, oil and energy. When is enough going to be enough.
There are many examples in Africa where the western world just sat back and did nothing. It is as if they are waiting for Africa to disappear or self destruct. Take Mozambique. Look at Angola. Or countries like Nigeria. Or lately Zimbabwe. Mozambique and Angola have some of the richest soils in Africa. The crops grown there will be able to sustain the local need. Plus these countries would be able to profit and grow economically if they could export. But is it a co-incidence that these two countries have some of the highest amount of landmines on earth? Why after 30 years of war in Angola are the streets of Luanda floaded with western business men? Does it have anything to do with the oil of the coast of Angola? Same story in Nigeria? I'll take my guess. I wonder why for so many years why nobody did something about the APARTHEID in South Africa. But the western world gets involved very fast when oil is at the centre of its attention. Eastern Europe, the mid-East. I find this all to much of a co-incidence. I can not stop thinking about their political games while the world is dying around them.
I ask myself the question: What are these guys up to? Which agenda are they pushing. It makes me sad to think that there are people/countries with pockets to deep to see that they are killing innocent people. Blinded by greed. For wealth and power. And what do they gain in the end? Really? I can not stop to wonder if "they" will change their minds and ways if they walk bare feet in the mud in Africa or pick up the children left as orphans because of the money THEY put up for wars to be faught. My guess? Probably not.
So don't fall for their propoganda on the global warming issue. Don't be sucked into the new world order. It is just another well dressed story to push their own hidden agendas. To cover their dark secret. I acknowledge that this is the words of a passionate/desperate person. But somewhere it has to stop. I have been too passive for too long. It time I get up and do something. You should too. Start by not listening to their lies...cos its worse than apartheid.
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