after lots of serious posts i have decided to just give you a run down of what has been happening down here in the south of france. well for one the climate has changed and it has been cold and stormy for the last two weeks or so. crazy as it may seem but it was even colder here than in london seeing that i spent a couple of days there last week with my family. it was good to see my parents for the first time in a year. it took my mother about five or six second to recognise her youngest. i think she was more surprised than anything else. they did not know i was coming. nothing like the element of surprise. my parents are on the back of their european tour for this year and after spending time in portugal italy germany france and england i think they are looking forward to going back home on wednesday. none the less it was special catching up with them. many things change and the year has been long. for all of us i guess. back in france the classes are slowly squeezing the originality and spontaneity out of me. too much of the same and for too long. perhaps my brain is not use to this sort of long hours anymore. or perhaps i should blame the endless summer. i have always been someone that needs to be stimulated intellectually. perhaps the monotonous lecturing is getting the better of me. or perhaps because i see my subject and passion of wine and vineyard as more than just rigorous information. however it is still a blast down south and i am already starting to feel the sadness creeping in of having to leave this wonderful oasis in less than six months. time has gone by way to fast and i struggle to think what the future holds. so many oppotunities that await me. so many things still uncertain. tomorrow i will have a meeting with my tutor to decide on my fate for a big part of next year. i have to do research and then write a thesis. so again the options are endless and so are the destinations. america has come up as a good option but then again...then there is spain and italy. or even the southern hemisphere. but i would perfer to stay in europe. dont really know why. i guess i have become accustomed to the lifestyle here. i enjoy the european lifestyle. but i know its not to everybodys liking. perhaps being in europe does not limit your options to explore as much as it would being somewhere else. i dont know. there are a lot of things unclear and only time will tell. thats the fun of life. not knowing it all. so watch this space for further developments....all i can do is set my sails and follow my true North. It the only Way that makes sense and just look how well it has served me thus far.
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