here are some questions to those who dare to dream. dare to live a little. those that what to break the status quo of everyday life...
...if you had permission to do what you really wanted to do what would that be.
...what is keeping you from doing it.
...what can you do to get there.
i see often people that are afraid to dare. afraid to dream. why dont you sit down and write down ten things you have always wanted to do. then go out and do them. no ifs. no buts. just go. i promise you. you wont regret it for a second. i have done it. i learned french. i ran with the bulls. i have seen santorini which was a lifelong dream. and i will be working in champagne in less than a month. things i though i might achieve in a lifetime. i have done them. there should be no limit to your dreams. they can only be to small...but never too big. so set your sails for blue waters and take direction to horizon.
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