people come and people go. one of lifes tough lessons to learn. but the faster you learn it the less troubles and hurt you will experience in life. i have a friend that once said you should never get to attached to something so that you can not walk away from it when the time comes. well. i dont know if i fully agree with that. but there is a matter of truth in the matter. i have realised again today that in life we share too much of ourselves with people that dont have the common decency to be thankful. people that take us for granted. people that just simply dont understand. they dont understand what it involves and these people will go through life living as parasites. feeding off other people. waiting for the next one. hard words. perhaps yes. but it freaks me out that some people can be so blind. so coming back to the walking away situation. it is a hard stand to take. because if you really believe all of that you will never experience the fulfillment of a friendship or relationship. i guess i just have to choose more careful in the future. because at the end of the day. people will let you down. people will break your trust. they will hurt you. but dont stop. move on. they dont deserve you....
...live as if there is no tomorrow.
dance as if no one is watching.
sing as if no one is listening.
love as if you have never been hurt before.
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Well said.
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