this story is not for all of you who live in a black and white world. where everything is plain and simple. this is more for those who think about things. that challenge the physcological status quo. today ended being a sad day for me. i dont know why. it just was. so i will tell you what registered in this crazy head of mine. perhaps i received something i did not expect. or was hoping for sometihing i did not get. and. i have heard a lot of bad things happening around me. to good people. people that deserves more. we all feel. have good days. and bad days. but why dont we talk about it. why do we not talk about what we feel. i guess that is the problem in our world. women that are stuck with men without feelings. emotionally dead. afraid to express themselves. today it hit me again. it made me sad inside. guys. we all have so much to give. what is your reason for being keeping it in. what are you hiding. what are you running from. perhaps i just enjoy saying what i feel. expressing my emotions. nobody ever say what they want. it is always the candy coated version. should it not stop. but girls. you are guilty too. i am not sure of what though. perhaps not allowing us to be. creating too much of an expecation. or placing us in a box. having false expectations. and in the end it all gets twisted. turned. i vote for honesty. i vote for truth. la verite. but ok. lets chill out. i guess that is life challenging us. dont flip out. just keep it in mind. tomorrow will be a better day i guess. lets hope so. till tomorrow then. bite me.
1 comment:
I agree, people are not honest enough. We hide how we are feeling way to often. Its all smoke and mirrors. Be yourself, be true, be alive be free. Just be...
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