a crazy world we live in. went to a wine tasting last night. it was great fun. some good wines. some aweful. but that was not the object of the exercise. an open air tent. lots of people. all enjoying themselves. it is evident on their faces. the way they look around. the way they tapped their feet to the beat of the music. the band playing their hearts out. laughing. crying. joking. dancing. chatting. everybody standing around in little huddles listening to stories and jokes being told. fun. fun. fun. nobody being stupid. perhaps a bit silly. but thats ethanol doing its work. and it struck me how alcohol is the glue that keeps the world together. take five random people. give them wine. give them beer. give them alcohol and they will have a party and be friendly. is this a bad thing. not necessarily. i have lived and seen people react. some behave badly. others handle it well. they become social. they open up. they loose inhibition. funny. why do they need alcohol to show their real selves. would it not be great if we could all just be ourselves. no fear. no prejudice. alcohol unites. the social glue of the world.
interesting article!
keep posting!
Willie, kiefste foto!
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