the great thing about a journal is the fact that is never lies. it never changes tune. it never changes its story. dont you just love that. the truth of who you are. black and white. no denying it. you wrote it. what woul be the point of lying. ever felt stupid about what you wrote. about what you have done. off course. that is called human. reality. i found myself paging through the leather binder. pure gold. i treasure my journal. why. cause it tells the story of my life.
i. me. moi. nobody can deny what is written there. nobody can ever read what is written there. its mine only. ours actually. it speaks of great times and hard times. falling in and out of love. breaking hearts and being heart broken. winning and losing. success and failure. the past and the future. people. they play the princess. the villan. the hero. how precious are they not. they helped forming me. i am what i am. i do what i do. i think what i think. i say what i say. because of their influence. their input. their criticism. arrogant. judgemental. proud. friendly. spontaneous. crazy. selfish. loner. feather headed. never minded. absent minded. thinker. nice. what a mix. some good i think. you are in there too. find yourself. paint yourself. use colour. dont be bland. be creative. be real. be yourself. nobody is watching. write your story. tell the truth. tell it as it is. nobody is watching. nobody. nobody.

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