Thursday, September 20, 2012

just pure

it is rare that you walk into a place and sense that it shares its DNA with you. such a place is hard to find. where you feel like having breakfast every morning and stare away over the sea. where you feel comfortable just being there. you can sit and allow time to tick by without feeling guilty. a safe environment to contemplate the future. its ambiance allows you to do just that. it is like home away from home. recently my wife and I have discovered such a place. its a small bistro in the coastal town of Hermanus, South Africa... called just pure. the name itself having a ring of poetic justice to it. bringing a sense of well-being and health. what i enjoy most about it is the emotion i experience every time i frequent the place. it has a french kitchen atmosphere to it. reminding me of my time spent in Europe. bringing back fond memories of street cafes and bistros in remote alleys. i sometimes feel that it creates a safe environment for me to dream and allow my mind to wander into the future. sitting there you get the feeling that someone is trying to sell you a lifestyle. one of health, wealth and free living. but it is only a feeling. the truth is that they ARE selling you a lifestyle. but rather one of health and purity. purity of body and soul...the latter being more important. the place stirs a certain type of liberty in ones soul. i know as you read this you know exactly what i am talking about because many of us have already experienced it before. a place that makes you feel. the ambiance sucks you in and the sense of place takes over. next time you are there...allow that feeling to take you on a journey of discovery. it is worth it. a sense of feeling you will never regret. perhaps you will discover something hidden  deep within your soul that has been waiting for years to be expressed.

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