Saturday, July 28, 2012

face the music

i think life would be a better place if people would start to speak or voice what they feel on the inside. why do we find it so hard to speak the truth. to get it all out. no, we rather mumble and complain. we rather gossip and tell others about so-and-so instead of facing up to the person or situation in question. face the music. no more holding back. say what you have to. get it out! can we please get a bit of honesty back. what has happened to transparency? don't we trust each other anymore to speak the truth in love. i mean surely if you are in a relationship or friendship with someone we should be mature enough to give or receive honest commentary on our lives? we all have issues. we all make mistakes. nobody is perfect. yet we find it virtually impossible to have a honest conversation anymore. we hide and cover up. we lie and deceive. we back-stab and hurt one another. when will it end. when will enough be enough. can we please draw a line in the sand. tell me what you think. don't tell somebody else. tell it straight to my face. tell me point blank. i can handle it.

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