Thursday, September 6, 2007

the streets

as predicted. today was better. much better. i went to taste some new wines at a win bar i discovered some days ago. friendly patron and good service. i meet with friends. and afterwards we parted ways. thats when i decided. i will take a walk through the streets of montpellier. the dusk had set in on the ancient part of the city. the wind was blowing the first falling autumn leaves around the quiet back streets. i walk clutching my thoughts. what a magnificant old city. buildings that has years of wisdom and experience between them. it felt like is was being counseled by a wise old man as i walked the streets. i was simple. it was nostalgic. it was intense as i wrestled with my feelings. with my thoughts. the walls and doors seem to smile at me as i walked past. as if they are nodding at me. acknowledging my presence. and warm emotion rised within me. i felt at home. i felt a sense of belonging. i started speaking under my voice as i walked down the cobble stones. i turned past the old clock and on to the esplanade. i walk across the park and under the trees. the seasons are certainly changing. i remember the trees on the esplanade having a lot more leaves some weeks ago. the thought of change excites me as my heart takes a leap. i sat down on one of the benches and watched as a couple kissed behind the fountain. was a funny but good moment. then i just laughed out loud. as i sat there i watched as life passed by. a boy kicking his ball aginst the wall. another couple passed. the did not stop behind the fountain. i laughed again. this time louder. i got up. walk past the opera house and down towards the cafe. here i sat down and listened to the sounds of jazz echoing across the square. the cafe was empty and i had my first of three espressos. as i listened to the lady singing i observed the people passing. i love doing that. my thoughts wondered as i put each passing person in his or her box. funny game i like to play. perhaps it is my way of escaping. but still. the calmness and peace that was there around me was bizarre. it was a good evening. time of reflection as i sat there staring at the buildings. the people. the water sprinkling out of the fountain. the wind blowing. i wish you were here. to walk the streets with me. to experience the same. to stare at the people. to listen to the music. to feel the wind on your face. to watch as the autumn leaves dance in the twilight. can life get better than this. i wonder.

the following song is my modification of a bruce springsteen song. you will recognise it. it is not meant to be sad. those that know me well will understand.

i was bruised and battered

could not tell what i felt

i was unrecognisable to myself

saw a reflection in the window

didnt know my own face

left as if i was fading away

among the foreign surroundings

i walked the cobbled street

till i couldnt think anymore

heard the voices

of friends vanished and gone

i felt the wind on my face

whispering soflty

calling my name

among the foreign surroundings

i am not a regular anymore

trying to find my place

with differences so evident

and my skin a thousand miles away

now the night has fallen

but i am wide awake

i feel myself dreaming away

so except me city

with one last kiss

dont leave me out here

alone like this

among these foreign surroundings

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