I am bemused by the narrow mindedness around me. People’s inability to function without a system guiding their every step. People’s lack of drive and ambition. A mediocre society that has become content with a sub-standard lifestyle. A life dictated by trends and technologies. Fueled by the latest robotics and false heroics. A world that has become numb to the simplicities around us and are sucked into the mass media propagandas of the day. Our children have become sheep in our modern day culture where everything is given to them on a platter. We are creating robots that will self-destruct. Insensitive to what is happening around them. Blunt from the pains of violence, divorce and abortion. Drunk on the drugs of what we call liberty, freedom of speech, freedom to express, human rights, post modernism. We have created a false self. We have twisted the truth to fatten our own egos. We have generated a so-called fool-proof system in which we are both the protagonist and the antagonist. Thus we fight ourselves to the end. I am sickened by selfish and short-sighted entrepreneurialism. We admire and honor them not seeing the crippling effect on the Joe Soaps of our society. We have become so obsesses with our own ways. Blocked out and boxed in the very essence that forms a society. Our children and our parents. We have been fed the lies that keeps our dreams suppressed. In a world where the rich get richer and the poor….well frankly, they just don’t make it to the next day. Have our hearts become this dull, this futile. Have we become so entangled in our own struggle for survival. It is my hope and prayer that soon there will be a generation that will see. That will listen. That will respond. That will not be scared to take on the secret old-boys clubs that hide in dark corners and conspire to suppress the future of our children. That will think big. A generation that will break free into a brighter tomorrow.