hello and greetings to all the blog readers. here is a short run down of what is happening. montpellier is turning out to be the best time of my life. dispite being robbed life goes on at its normal pace. classes have gained momentum and it is a lot of fun. the structure of the classes are modular so we get written assignments and small exams every two weeks. sometimes we have presentations to do in between. we have had teachers and professors from around the world. german. french. brazilian. all experts in their field. with every course we do tastings. a lot of tastings. it is good and the learning curve is steap. but i am loving it. i have discovered that it is compulsory to do six months of the eighteen months of formal classes in another country. so it seems as if i will be spending next year this time in italy. either torino or milano. but time will tell seeing that there are other options too. apart from the academics. our class of ten has become a real unit. it is great fun to hang out with them and as we plan our holidays and trips around the wine areas of france and europe i can only see the next couple of months turning out to be the best years of my life. so keep reading. keep writing your comments. this is where it happens. salut. chef